Archive for August, 2011




Flashing Androids


So I got my hands on a copy of Flash cs5.5 (o.O) and I’ve been playing with the android system. Back when cs5 was released with the ios exporter I was very underwhelmed. It was cumbersome to use, it ran slow, and functionality was very limited. Well, Adobe has been very busy. The new system they introduced with cs5.5 and the continual player updates have made mobile air development real. My first couple of hours playing with it I went from hello world, to a simple touch game, and then to an app with google maps integrated. The ease of development and toolset offered by Adobe for mobile development is simply incomparable. Mobile air apps will never be able to compete with apps built on the native hardware/rendering systems, but for a cross platform option I’m impressed and excited. If only you could package the air player in with the app so it doesn’t require the user to download the separate air app. I’ll keep playing.




Lazyness, thy name is Booker


My never-ending battle with laziness wages on. To make matters worse a buddy of mine got me in the SWTOR beta. This has not helped my productivity. In fact, I took the day off today just to play it. So sad… so very sad. Well I am actually putting some time into the portfolio today. I’ve got most of the meat of the thing done, its just a matter of making it pretty and cranking out info on my work.

Also doing some really crazy stuff at work. I’ve been working on a Flash Component that will load swfs at development time. This would theoretically allow you to use the Flash GDI to layout swf or image based game objects and then you could use jsfl to export a game layout file. Then you turn around and use that xml file in PBE, or some other proprietary rendering system. (we’re using it for scaleform) If we get it working (big ‘if’ there) I will do a series of posts on it. Look forward to that!