Archive for the ‘Updates’ Category




Summer Header


Well this was an abundant waste of my time. But I have a new Banner!! I spent 8 hours hand drawing a flower animation that still looks like donkey! I have no business doing art! Why am I still ending my sentences with exclamation points!

I’m going to attempt changing out the header with the seasons. Just so happens it’s summer. Just so happens I named this thing Spring. Just so happens I have no concept of time. Click the bees! ENJOY IT!!!!




Still here


It’s been a while, and I have been working. I’ve done a lot of work to my game header thingy at the top of the page, but I’ve been rethinking what I want to do with that. It probably makes more sense to not have a game that makes it impossible to see the logo… Therefore, that will likely change, and hopefully soon. In addition to that, I really have to get my portfolio page together. I’m thinking some kind of interactive slide-show doohickey with screen grabs of some of my games. Unfortunately, I either have lost or don’t have the rights to the source for most of the game’s I’ve developed.

One thing I have completed is an overhaul of my resume. Where can you see it? No-where! Because I know better than to put my full resume on the internet. If you do want a copy for some absurd reason contact me through the contact button at the top. I have updated my linked in page to contain much of the changes.

I hope to get the header updated this weekend to something a little less obtrusive and start getting my portfolio together soon.




Genetic Minigame


Just put up my first game banner. Hopefully much more to follow. By the time you’re reading this the game probably already started. Look up you fool! While the timer is ticking move the mouse around. Each black box your mouse crosses over will be destroyed.

This was my first “game” built in the PushButton Engine. The interface to the side of the game is a separate swf built in pure flash and is embedded inside the PBE swf at compile time. The preloader (a separate swf), the game swf, and the interface swf all communicate through a custom event system.

I plan on building a lot of these little minigames as prototypes for larger experiments and continuing work on the interface object. I have lots of crazy ideas. Let me know what you guys think.




New beginnings


Welcome to For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a game programmer thats been developing in Flash since I graduated in early 2006. My career in the games industry has afforded me little time to dedicate to my own concepts and my own projects. Contractual obligations have also prevented me from being able to share many of my higher profile or more interesting work. This has left me with a fairly undeserved and uninspired portfolio (in my own humble opinion). So, I intend to use this site to promote myself, share code, build a respectable portfolio, play with some new API’s, build some games, and hopefully meet some of my contemporaries. I don’t pretend to be an expert so any and all feedback is welcome as I fumble about with new technology and API’s. My first goal is to start with the PushButton engine. I hope to deliver my first beginner’s tutorial on the site within the week. On top of learning PushButton I’m having to learn WordPress – so bare with me as I butcher the site in an attempt to get something out.

I want to throw a big thanks out to a few people who helped make this site happen. First is Emily Carlin who took precious time out of her busy day to create the site you are now eyeballing. I highly suggest you visit her company’s site and get her to make you a blog. I assure you she is far more professional than me and any oddities that occur as you view the site are my fault and not hers. I also want to thank John Harman for the awesome logo at the top of the page. He has a cool geek culture web presence at, go check it out. And lastly I want to thank Charles Fairchild for agreeing to be my Project Manager in all this. He’s agreed to take time out of his day to yell at me until I work on things. I still have yet to discover what he gets out of this, other than the ability to yell at me and somehow make me feel guilty about it.

So that’s it. Thanks for visiting. It’s still very much in production so be wary.